Plaque builds up over time and this sticky bacterial film can solidify and turn into calculus or tartar. This cement-like substance is removed by the hygienist at your regular cleaning visits. A six-month interval not only serves to keep your mouth healthy and clean, it allows potential problems to be found and diagnosed earlier. In some instances a six-month schedule in not enough. Based on your dental history, rate of calculus buildup, and pattern of decay a 3 or 4 month interval maybe needed.
Decayed baby teeth lead to pain and infection and cause difficulty for children to eat a well-balanced meal. Untreated cavities increase the amount of decay causing bacteria in the mouth. As permanent teeth erupt, they are at increased risk for developing cavities because of the higher bacteria count. Baby teeth also hold space in the mouth for the erupting permanent teeth. If the baby teeth are taken out too early, the permanent teeth often become crowded and will need braces in the future.
儿童乳牙蛀牙引起的疼痛会让孩子很难受,如果硬性地等待孩子换牙,会严重影响孩子的进食,有损健康。并且,乳牙的 牙菌斑和龋洞增加儿童口腔的病菌繁殖,从而导致以后恒牙很容易发展成为龋齿。另外,宝宝乳牙是为今后的恒牙在口腔内占据空间,如果过早拔除,恒牙经常会生长过密,从而需要牙齿矫正。
The radiation you would receive from a traditional film dental x-ray is very low. Today, with non-film digital x-rays available, the radiation is reduced by an additional 90%. Compared to other medical procedures, a traditional chest CT-scan exposes a patient to 2,800 times the radiation as a digital dental x-ray, and a mammogram gives off around 60 times as much radiation. Actually, you can get the same amount of radiation from one of our dental x-rays as from eating about 50 bananas.
拍摄牙科X光所受到的辐射量无论是相对于日常生活还是相对于其他医学影像学检查来说都是比较小的。人类已知能对致癌率产生影响的最低剂量为100,000μSv 。牙片X光约产生5至150μSv 的辐射。CT Scan的辐射是拍牙片的2,800倍,乳房X光检查的辐射是拍牙片的60倍。其实,吃50个香蕉以后摄取的辐射量和拍牙片是相同的。
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